How I Achieve 10-18% Conversion Rate in My Launches with Hildur Jonsdottir

Does launching sound scary to you? You might lack launching experience, are worried about signups or don’t know how to get a good conversion rate, but remember: Everyone starts from zero and the more you launch (and are willing to learn from mistakes), the better your launches will get. 

When Hildur Jonsdottir joined SOMBA, she had no idea how to launch. As a health counsellor who works with people who have autoimmune diseases or chronic illnesses, she already had a lot of experience with one-on-one clients and was preparing to sell her services through online courses. 

Two years later, she has launched nearly every 2-3 months with conversion rates ranging from 10-18%. In her latest launch, she was able to double the number of signups and made $35K.

In this episode of The Sigrun Show, she shares the launch method she discovered works for her business, how she manages her webinars, what she does in her Facebook group to keep her audience’s attention, and what she plans on doing to increase her conversion rates even more. 

If you’re in launch mode yourself or are looking for some inspiration around launching, this episode is a must-listen!

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“I’m so spoilt with my high conversion rates, I never needed to change my launch method – yet.” – Hildur Jonsdottir” username=”sigruncom”]

What you’ll get out of this episode:

  • Hildur’s favourite launch method (4:16) 
  • What she did to get media attention (6:24)
  • The signups and show-up rates she gets for her webinars (8:11)
  • What makes people sign up for her webinars (10:53)
  • How she manages her webinars (15:34)
  • How her sales are distributed over her open cart period (17:25)
  • What she does in her Facebook group during a launch (20:05)
  • How she explains her conversion rates (22:54)
  • Her latest launch revenue (24:50) 
  • Her next steps (25:51)

Connect with Hildur Jonsdottir

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Want to know more about launching? Discover Kelly Roach’s Live Launch Revolution or learn some important launch lessons from a $450k launch.

Activities to Keep Your Audience’s Attention Up During Your Launch 

Sending out regular emails and reminders is essential to keeping the attention of your audience during your launch. However, being active in your Facebook group is another good way to make sure your message reaches people who are already interested in what you’re offering. 

Here is a list with activities you can post in your Facebook group during your launch: 

  • Testimonials from previous clients (these can either be quotes or screenshots from comments you have received) 
  • Interviews with (former) clients speaking about their achievements and experiences they had working with you
  • Snippets of individual success stories
  • A Q&A where you answer all burning questions about your offer
  • Encourage people to join your Facebook group and share their stories 
  • Allow members to share their own stories through a Facebook live directly into the group

Are you about to launch yourself? I would love to hear how you’re preparing your launch, the challenges you might have encountered and the lessons you’ve learned. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Register for my Upcoming Launch Workshop

I’ve tried many launch methods to get to the successful launches I have today, and I’ve consistently had 6-figure launches over the past three years. I’ve been teaching my launch method to my clients, and it’s the reason they’re so successful in their own online businesses. 

Do you want to learn the most powerful way you can launch online in any economy?
Click here to register for my 1-Day Live Workshop: How to Launch in the Next Normal.

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