2020 Year in Review – Chance in a Crisis

2020 Year in Review - Chance in a Crisis

2020 is a year for the history books. For some it was the worst year of their lives, for others it was their best year yet. How was 2020 for you? 

For me, it was my best year ever, both professionally and personally – despite not being able to do a lot of things I love. 

In this episode, I’m sharing my year in review with you with all the highlights of the past 12 months. I’ll be talking about the importance of leadership and values, how my new program SOMBA Accelerator was born, how I organised my 8-figure team and – yes! – my curling iron. 

2020 showed the value of having an online business, and I believe 2021 will see the biggest online business boom so far. Will you be part of the adventure? 

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“When there is a crisis, you can’t think about it for a week or two or three and then speak up – it will be too late.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


What you will get out of this episode:

  • Year in review: A quick snapshot of 2020 (3:12)
  • 2020: Why it was all about leadership (4:41) 
  • The importance of values (14:35)
  • Postponing the Selfmade Summit (21:39) 
  • My new YouTube show (24:10)
  • Seeing an opportunity to help: The birth of SOMBA Accelerator (25:11)
  • My biggest launch yet (32:46)
  • Hiring my 8-figure team (34:43)
  • My daily curling iron (41:25)
  • Quality time with my family (44:25)
  • My new apartment (48:22)
  • What’s next in 2021 (58:32)

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Curious to know the whole story of my online business success? Discover how I changed my life in 10 years.

You can follow, connect and share with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Secure your free ticket for the Boost Your Business Framework Course

From January 11th to 15th, you can join my free 5-day course where I will cover the three most important things you need to do in your online business to succeed in the new year. 

Learn the exact steps to get the most impact in your business in 2021! 

If you’re ready to take bold action, secure your free spot now.

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