#328: How to Maximize Value From Content You Create with Amy Woods

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Amy Woods is a public speaker, podcast host, and the owner of a creative agency that specializes in repurposed content.  Amy works with podcasters, bloggers, and vloggers as well as busy business owners and entrepreneurs who don’t have the time to reuse the ‘treasures’ they already have, which is their existing content. When she is not busy doing wonders for her clients, Amy appreciates life by traveling, skiing, eating, and enjoying life with her two young boys.

Amy joins me today to share how to multiply your content to maximize its value. We discuss the different ways to reuse existing content according to each social media platform and why you should post the original material on your website. Amy also shares with me why repurposing content is more than copy-pasting it from one platform to another, and the most important thing to keep in mind when repurposing your material.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Create content with repurposing in mind.” – Amy Woods” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What caused Amy to actualize her dream of being an online entrepreneur 
  • The starting point of repurposing content
  • Why live video is the ultimate form of content among the rest
  • The right way of repurposing a video
  • Why it’s not advisable to post your Facebook Live
  • What your audience doesn’t want to see on your video
  • When the content-repurposing planning starts
  • How to increase your ability to get found by search engines
  • The ultimate goal of repurposing content

Resources Mentioned:

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