400th Episode Celebration: Ask Me Anything

400th Episode Celebration: Ask Me Anything

I’m so excited to air the 400th episode of The Sigrun Show! 

I started The Sigrun Show on August 2nd, 2017, with 100 episodes in 100 days. Then I went over to three episodes a week and eventually to two, and for a long time now, I’ve been doing one episode a week. 

This is the 400th episode and for this special occasion, I’ve decided to switch seats. For once, I’m not going to be the interviewer, but the interviewee. This is an ask-me-anything episode and I’m super excited to answer your questions. 

Tune in to hear about the one thing that enabled me to reach my level of success, how I handle not living in the same country as my parents, the one tip I would give my younger self and much more! 

If you ever wondered why I’m wearing red, this is your chance to find out.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“The one thing that has helped me achieve my success is that I believe in myself.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

  • How long my day is (2:22)
  • How my week looks like (4:06)
  • My morning routine (7:18)
  • How I continued with my webinars even when I didn’t see results yet (9:05) 
  • Why you shouldn’t worry about having a scalable business too early on (11:33)
  • The one thing that enabled me to achieve my level of success (14:01)
  • How I deal with not having my parents close to me (16:32) 
  • How I keep myself focused (22:28) 
  • My tip for my younger self (24:37)
  • The best and most difficult moment in my business (26:21)
  • The most important thing in my life (29:25)
  • Achieving gender equality (30:38)
  • Being afraid of rejection (32:05)
  • My elevator pitch (34:04)
  • Why I wear red (35:47)

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Do you want to hear more about my story? Discover how doing 100 webinars in 1100 days transformed my business and life or how a chronic illness inspired me to become an online entrepreneur.

Did you enjoy this anniversary episode? You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode, please share, subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show.

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