5 Client Attracting Activities You Should Be Doing with Melissa Pharr

5 Client Attracting Activities You SHould Be Doing with Melissa PharrAre you scared of sales? Many entrepreneurs have brilliant business ideas, but when it comes to selling their services, they are overcome with doubt. Whether you are worried about being too pushy, charging too much or just can’t seem to attract clients online – it’s blocking your sales.

Melissa Pharr, my guest this week on the Sigrun Show, has made it her mission to help women overcome these doubts and attract clients online. 

Melissa tried out many different things until she landed where she is today. She was working as a personal trainer, a health coach and life coach. At one point, people started asking her how she was actually making money and attracting clients.

That’s when she dived into online marketing strategy and started the business she’s running today. She had always wanted to work remotely, and she was tired of turning over every cent twice. 

Focusing on attracting clients

Starting her business was an uphill battle. After the first few months, she was $42K in debt and had just one sales call a month. Melissa knew she was smart. However, she started having the belief that she was just not smart enough for what it actually takes – until she finally embraced her individuality, committed to being herself and focused on attracting the right clients for her business. 

By the end of the year, she managed to pay off all her debt and made $311K in revenue, turning her business around completely. 

In this episode, Melissa talks about the 5 things she focused on to get clients, why women are often scared of making sales and what they can do about it. 

If you wonder how to attract more clients or are blocked by the belief that sales are sleazy, this episode is for you.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“A sales conversation should feel inspiring and like one of the most connected conversations you ever had in your life.” – Melissa Pharr” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

  • Melissa’s uphill battle (2:55)
  • How Melissa got interested in online business (5:12) 
  • How Melissa’s own struggles helped her figure out her mission and business idea (9:27)
  • The 5 things Melissa did to actually get clients (12:54)
  • Why Melissa’s business hit 7 figures (15:09) 
  • Why women are often scared of sales (17:40)
  • What to do to get over your belief that sales are sleazy (21:04)

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Curious to know more about attracting clients? Find out how you can acquire clients from Facebook groups or how you can niche your services down to attract your ideal clients.

Attracting Clients: The 5 Step Plan

When Melissa hit rock bottom, she had to figure out what to do to turn her business around. She knew she had to learn how to manage herself, as well as have the right strategy. She thought about what she actually had to do to attract more clients and came up with the following 5 key areas she needed to put her focus on: 

Clarity on your offer

Be clear on your offer and who it’s for, make it irresistible and know how to present it. 

Attract an audience

If no one is paying attention to your offer, it doesn’t matter how good it is. Build your audience and your email list and get people’s attention. 

Nurture your audience

If you have an audience that doesn’t trust you and doesn’t see you as an expert, they’re not going to buy your service or product. Build up a relationship with your audience and establish trust. 

Make invitations

Have a strategy to start hearing Yes. Whether people say yes to something that’s for free to get on your list or whether it’s yes to something that’s paid. 

Inspire your audience to say yes

Find a way to make the sale and be good at your sales process. 

Melissa stuck to these 5 things and focused on them every day. She implemented this process for two years and hit 7 figures. 


Did this episode help you understand how you can attract more clients? You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Have you signed up for the Live Bootcamp yet?

After two successful rounds in spring, I’m bringing back my Live Bootcamp where you will create your recession-proof offer in a weekend. 

If you want to create an offer that is unique, profitable and a good fit for the current times, this is for you. After 48 hours, you will walk away with a solid offer that is ready to sell and your clients actually want to buy.

Sign up here for the Live Bootcamp.

Connect with Melissa Pharr

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