#1: Who is Sigrun and Why The Show

Who is Sigrun and Why The Show

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Today, I’m sharing who I am, how growing up in the small country of Iceland has inspired me to dream big and take action on my passions, as well as the inspiration and motivation behind creating this podcast. You’ll learn about the various topics, content, and interviews we will have in each episode and what you can learn by tuning into the show each week.

I believe we need more inspiration. Inspiration to take action, to make your dreams come true, and change the world in a positive way. – Sigrun

In This Episode of the Sigrun Show:

  • Who I am and the experiences helped shape my views on feminism, gender equality, and the entrepreneurial world.
  • The Icelandic phrase “Thetta reddast,” what it means, and how it has impacted my life and business.
  • How I became a location-independent lifestyle entrepreneur.
  • How Social Media Marketing World 2017 and Kate Erickson inspired me to launch The Sigrun Show.
  • How the idea for 100 episodes in 100 days began

What to Expect from the Sigrun Show:

Inspiring stories, case studies and focused interviews on how to turn your passion into profits

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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