#15: How to Use a Challenge to Sell Your High-end Program with Zach Spuckler

Episode 15 - Zach Spuckler - The Sigrun Show

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Zach Spuckler is an online business strategist, consultant, and the founder of Heart, Soul, Hustle. He teaches online entrepreneurs how to grow their businesses with Periscope, Facebook Ads, Facebook challenges, and messenger bots through his online courses and one-on-one coaching services.

At the age of 22, Zach grew his business to multiple 6-figures, allowing him to quit his job and leave school.

Zach shares his tips and insight on how Facebook challenges can help you sell your high-end programs, make more money, and grow your business. He explains how challenges allow you to position yourself as an expert in your field and the steps you should take to create a successful 5-day challenge.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”If you want to charge high-end, take the time to goal forecast. Start there. – Zach Spuckler” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Zach grew his business to 6-figures within his first year
  • Using Facebook challenges to build relationships with your audience
  • Being clear on the intention of your challenge
  • Being clear on your buyer’s transition patterns from announcement to conversion
  • Factors to consider when launching a challenge
  • Why using free coaching challenges is not a good idea to launch a high-end program
  • The importance of giving your audience small, actionable, micro-commitments that move them to purchasing your program
  • Overcoming challenge objections, obstacles, and negative feedback
  • How challenges help you research your audience
  • Why challenges work well for both new and advanced business owners

Zach’s Tips on Structuring Your Challenge:

  1. Start with a tangible outcome.
  2. Create a space to interact with your audience.

Join Zach’s Free 5-Day Training

Learn how to map out and build a strategy to create your own successful 5-day challenge. Click here to join Zach’s training. It starts August 14th at 9 AM PDT.

5-Day Challenge - Zach Spuckler

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