#32: [Client Case Study] The Sales Funnel That Turns a 70% Profit Every Month with Sif the Vet

[Client Case Study] The Sales Funnel That Turns a 70% Profit Every Month with Sif the Vet

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Sif Traustadottir is an animal behaviorist and veterinarian in Iceland with over a decade of experience helping pet owners live in harmony with their pets. She is the owner of Sif the Vet where she helps people understand their pets’ behaviors and develop preventative and training strategies to improve their pets’ behaviors.

I first met Sif in my Momentum Mastermind group. She already had a small email list as well as a few courses, but she was struggling to maintain a sustainable income. In this client case study episode, she shares her entrepreneurial journey and how she developed a sales funnel that consistently results in a 70% profit for her business every month.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”Sometimes what people want from us is so obvious in hindsight, but we have a blind spot to it. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • The benefits of surveying your list
  • Using tripwires to nurture and engage your audience
  • Offering multiple entry points to your funnel
  • Using Facebook Live videos to increase conversions
  • Comparing conversion rates between video ads and blog post ads
  • Why video ads often work better than text ads
  • Evaluating Facebook ad conversion costs
  • How she plans to improve the funnel
  • Creating a product to upsell to your list
  • The benefits of networking with your local market

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn what your audience wants to learn from you by surveying your list.
  • Develop a sales funnel that gives your audience what they want while nurturing them.
  • Test various advertising campaigns and monitor them closely.

Connect with Sif Traustadottir:

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