#40: [Client Case Study] How I Changed My Business and Had a Six-Figure Launch with Jeanet Bathoorn

[Client Case Study] How I Changed My Business and Had a Six-Figure Launch with Jeanet Bathoorn

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Jeanet Bathoorn is a Social Media Expert and the founder of Freedom Entrepreneurs (VrijheidsOndernemers®) where she helps entrepreneurs build the life of freedom they deserve. She is a best-selling author of 5 books, including Get Social in Business, as well as the facilitator of the Freedom Entrepreneurs TransAtlantic Cruise – a cruise retreat where entrepreneurs can learn strategies to become more successful in their business.

She is also the founder and creator of the Freedom Entrepreneurs Summit, which will be held in the Netherlands on January 26, 2018, where entrepreneurs can learn how to get known quickly throughout their industry.

Jeanet shares how she created her business and the strategies she used to achieve her first six-figure launch. We discuss how mindset plays a significant role in achieving your goals and she explains why setting boundaries with those around you – including clients, students, and family – is critically important to growing your business.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • The steps Jeanet took to pivot her business from 1:1 coaching to group training and event facilitation
  • Why she created two sales funnels
  • How a cruise retreat differs from other types of retreats
  • Overcoming fears and facing risks
  • Her launch journey
  • The essence of a mastermind and surrounding yourself with the right people

Key Takeaways:

  1. Develop your leadership skills
  2. Set strong boundaries
  3. Use and improve your skills
  4. Keep learning and practicing

Jeanet Bathoorn’s Advice to Transform Your Business:

  • Start with yourself. Start with your own process.
  • Look for and connect with people who have done the same.

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