#94: Three Ways to Monetize the Same Passion

Three Ways to Monetize the Same Passion

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It’s true: some passions are easier to monetize than others and some may be better expressed as a hobby. Often, your true passion is destined for greatness – destined to become a great, successful business that can be monetized in several ways.

In this episode, I share three ways you can monetize your passion. I also explain the benefits and challenges you can expect from each of these strategies and how you can decide which strategy is right for you, your business, and your lifestyle.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Trading hours for dollars
  • Selling your passion based on your brand’s value
  • Creating passive income

Key Takeaway:

  • Choose a business model that works for you and your lifestyle.

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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