#154: Lessons from a $450K Launch

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When you’re just starting your business, you often hear about other entrepreneurs having massively successful launches. We hear about the 6-figure launches and 7-figure launches and often ask ourselves “How is that possible?” and “What can I learn from that person’s success to achieve the same results?” We often overlook the significant amount of work that is involved in making these launches so successful.

In this episode, I share the behind-the-scenes events and steps I took before I achieved a $450K launch. I walk you through my launching experience, explain the difference between properly launching and simply promoting, and share lessons you can learn from my experience to help you achieve a six figure launch.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”I have not seen a launch where everything failed. There is always something that worked. Always. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • The difference between properly launching and simply promoting
  • The journey of finding your own unique touch while launching
  • The importance of tracking and documenting your metrics, conversion rates, what worked, and what didn’t work
  • How recruiting a team and affiliates can help you achieve a 6-figure launch
  • The importance of continuing to grow and nurture your list between launches
  • The direct correlation between your conversion rates and your launch webinar “show up” rate
  • When not to focus on the numbers
  • The importance of offering something new and exciting between launches
  • Why people unsubscribing from your list is actually good for your business

Key Takeaways:

  1. Review your launches. Understand your numbers. Understand what worked, what didn’t work, and why it didn’t work.
  2. Rinse and repeat.
  3. Between launches, nurture your list while growing it.
  4. Focus on the attendance rate of your launch webinar.
  5. With encore launch webinars – it’s not a numbers game.
  6. Always have something new and exciting to offer.
  7. Create the feeling of what it’s like to be part of your program.
  8. Work with amazing partners and affiliates.
  9. Sales are in the follow-up.
  10. Share your “why” in a personal story or video at the end of your launch. Be authentic.

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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