#155: How Niching Down Fuels Your Business with Britt Seva

#155: How Niching Down Fuels Your Business with Britt Seva

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Britt Seva, founder of the Thrivers Society,  is an online business coach with a particular niche — neighborhood stylists. Britt started her career as a hairstylist, then took on the salon director role. Now she has coached 10,000 hair stylists from all over the world through her online training and membership program.

Britt shares how niching down or having a limited audience fuels her online coaching business. She also shares the essence of focusing on quality over quantity, how she managed to keep her business as she stuck with one product for two and a half years, and why she encourages her clients to experience her voice, message, and training through the free content that she makes available.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”I don’t think you have to have many offers to be successful. Staying focused on that one thing is so, so important. – Britt Seva” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Why Britt chose to coach neighborhood stylists over popular ones
  • How she knew her audience would be receptive to her message
  • How she reaches people who are not sitting in front of a computer all day
  • Why she spent time studying her niche’s behavior
  • The social platform where she reaches out to her niche
  • The difference between the entrepreneur and the wanna-be entrepreneur
  • Why she’s comfortable giving free content to potential clients
  • How she became established as an authority in her industry
  • What her offerings are and how often they run in a year
  • How she deals with the people who are not her niche
  • How she scales her business with a limited pool
  • Increasing lifetime customer value versus expanding her reach in a mega way

Key Takeaways:

  1. There is an advantage in being the pioneer in an industry.
  2. Stick with what’s working for you. Stay in your lane.
  3. Sticking with your audience helps you to focus and strengthen your education.

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Britt Seva:

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