#170: Get Out of Overwhelm by Knowing Your Superpowers with Osmaan Sharif

#170: Get Out of Overwhelm by Knowing Your Superpowers with Osmaan Sharif

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Osmaan Sharif of Rapid Transformation is a performance coach who trains entrepreneurs and small business owners to discover and use their superpowers in their business. After leaving the corporate world more than a decade ago, Osmaan helps his clients deal with obstacles regarding their mindset that cause overwhelm and professional stagnation while helping them thrive and embrace their natural talents.

Osmaan shares the steps to avoid getting overwhelmed in your business and how you can recognize your superpowers. He talks about the sources of entrepreneur overwhelm, how to create rapid transformation so you can grow your business as well as the different entrepreneur profiles and personalities that will help you determine your strengths and weaknesses.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”For every business owner or entrepreneur, we need to have the right design, mindset, and strategies. – Osmaan Sharif” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What the Rapid Transformation formula is
  • What gets you motivated aside from your goals
  • The definition of success
  • The benefit of working on 90-day goals
  • How to make tasks manageable
  • How your internal dialogue affect your actions and the outcome of your efforts
  • The eight different types of entrepreneur and superpowers

Key Takeaways:

  1. Look at what you need in your business and think about how you can plug the gaps.
  2. Be mindful of what you say to yourself.
  3. Know your personality to figure out which tasks work and which ones don’t work for you.
  4. Give yourself permission to do what’s natural and easy.
  5. Do yourself a favor—figure out what your superpower is and make sure that you include it in part of your design, your mindset, and your strategies.

Connect with Osmaan Sharif:

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