#206: How to Make Your First 30K in Six Months as a Health Coach with Shazzie

#206: How to Make Your First 30K in Six Months as a Health Coach with Shazzie

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Shazzie was one of our first guests on The Sigrun Show. She is a business and life mastery mentor, recording artist of guided meditations, and the author of five revolutionary books. She is the host of Sky TV’s Raw Kitchen and has been featured in countless print and online media publications including Cambridge Evening News, Eastern Daily Press, The Green Parent Magazine, Yoga Magazine, and Healthy Living Magazine.

Shazzie and I talk about how new health coaches can earn their first $30,000 in revenue in their first six months of online business. She explains the importance of being consistent in your content marketing strategy and the difference between content marketing and social media marketing. She also shares her five steps to successfully building an online health coaching business and how to transition from 1-to-1 coaching to 1-to-many.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“You don’t have to work hard – you just have to be consistent.” – Shazzie” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • The importance of setting practical financial goals
  • Using Facebook ads and Google Adwords to attract new clients and grow your email list
  • The importance of being willing to invest in your business
  • Alternative marketing options you can use to promote your business
  • How to create client packages that sell
  • The “Decoy Marketing” technique
  • The “Clarity Call” and how it helps you gain new clients
  • Developing a strategy to upsell your packages to increase revenue
  • The importance of creating a customer journey to encourage sales
  • Using a learning management system to create your online courses and packages
  • Transitioning from 1-to-1 client coaching to 1-to-many
  • How content marketing helps you connect with your ideal clients, improve your authority, and grow your online business
  • The importance of deciding which type of content marketing strategy works best for you and your business
  • The difference between content marketing and social media marketing
  • The importance of nurturing your email list as a service-based business
  • Using testimonials to build social proof

Key Takeaways:

  1. Get clear on your revenue goals, profit goals, and what you are willing to invest.
  2. Create your client packages.
  3. Develop a presence.
  4. Start running Facebook ads to a free offer.
  5. Get ready for the big time!

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Shazzie:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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