#207: How to Be a Great Podcast Guest and Run a Top Show with Nicole Holland

#207: How to Be a Great Podcast Guest and Run a Top Show with Nicole Holland

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Nicole Holland is a podcast guesting authority, New Media expert, Founder of Interviews That Convert and the Business Building Rockstars Show. She has been featured on several podcasts, virtual productions, and print publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, and HuffPost. She has helped countless entrepreneurs and business owners leverage modern marketing strategies, such as being a featured podcast guest, to increase their visibility, likeability, and credibility.

Nicole joins me to share how online entrepreneurs can become great podcast guests and how to find great guests for their show. We talk about her journey into leveraging the podcast medium, how her podcast has grown, and the lessons she has learned throughout her journey. She also shares tips on how to land featured guest spots on podcasts in your niche, explains the importance of building relationships with podcasters instead of simply pitching to them, and the importance of being clear on the type of guests you want on your show when you’re just starting out.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“A podcast interview is a conversation. It’s a deepening of a relationship.” – Nicole Holland” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Nicole achieved “New and Noteworthy” on iTunes
  • Her entrepreneurial and podcasting journey
  • Why curiosity and authenticity are key to being a good podcast interviewer
  • How she chooses her guests for her show
  • Why she wants to rebrand her podcast
  • How building relationships can help you get booked as a featured guest
  • Her cold-pitch approach to getting featured as a podcast guest
  • The difference between a great guest and a not-so-great guest
  • The inspiration behind her Interviews That Convert course
  • The importance of pre-planning and knowing your why before pitching to be featured as a podcast guest
  • How attending conferences can help you get guests for your podcast
  • Podcast Guest Etiquette: What’s appropriate…and what’s not
  • The benefits of accepting sponsored interviews

Key Takeaway:

  1. Just like any marketing you do, podcast pitching should be permission based. Otherwise, it’s spam.
  2. Instead of cold-pitching, build relationships with podcast hosts.
  3. Invest in your network.

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