#230: How to Be on Maternity Leave and Run a Six-Figure Business with Katrin Hill

#230: How to Be on Maternity Leave and Run a Six-Figure Business with Katrin Hill

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Katrin Hill is one of the leading Facebook marketing experts in the German-speaking market. She began her business by helping local organizations with web development, social media, and online marketing strategies. She now focuses primarily on Facebook and offers online courses on increasing your reach, growing your Facebook audience, and using Messenger bots.

Katrin shares how she saw the birth of her two children as opportunities to restructure and baby-proof her business. She talks about the strategies she used to have her most profitable year yet despite not selling her signature program and why building a team has been essential to her success. She also shares advice on how to genuinely be of service to your audience before selling your product and how this can be beneficial.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“I saw pregnancy as an opportunity to change my business and become successful.” – Katrin Hill” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Why Katrin saw her children as opportunities to restructure her business
  • How she got the idea for her first business while traveling in New Zealand
  • Why she knew she needed to change her business model in 2014
  • How positioning herself as an expert helped her succeed
  • The benefits of building a foundation and community before introducing products
  • The lessons she learned from her first launch
  • Why people were waiting to buy from her during her first launch
  • Why building a team has been essential to her success
  • How she baby-proofed her business for her second child
  • The strategies she used to earn income even without selling her signature course
  • Why affiliate marketing is not as easy as people think and how she treats affiliate launches as if they are her own
  • The step-by-step process she is using to create her evergreen funnel
  • The two webinar numbers she focuses on improving
  • How her positive attitude helps create great results for her team

Connect with Katrin Hill:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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