#234: How You Can Take Your Crafting Business Online with Agnieszka Gaczkowska

#234: How You Can Take Your Crafting Business Online with Agnieszka Gaczkowska

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Agnieszka Gaczkowska is an interior designer who has successfully turned her passion for interior decorating and handmade crafts into a successful online business. She is the facilitator of several online course programs as well as local meetup events and workshops. She is passionate about helping other handmade artists and craftsmen throughout Poland turn their passion for arts and handicrafts into a sustainable and rewarding business opportunity.

Agnieszka shares her journey from being a homestead mom to building her dream online business. She explains how her offline crafting business began and the turning points she experienced throughout her journey into entrepreneurship that led her to build a sustainable online business. She also talks about some of the challenges she has faced as an online entrepreneur, how building a team allowed her to expand her online products, and how her vision and mission as an online entrepreneur has evolved since she began her journey.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Don’t create a handmade design and put it in the drawer – stop dreaming and start acting.” – Agnieszka Gaczkowska” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Agnieszka fell in love with the art of crochet
  • How she blended her love for architecture and interior design with her passion for crochet
  • How she turned her passion into a home-based offline business
  • How she promoted her offline crochet workshops
  • How she turned her offline crochet business into a successful online business
  • How building a team helped her expand her online course selections to include other forms of arts and crafts
  • Challenges she faced as a new online entrepreneur
  • How starting her online business impacted her mindset and confidence
  • How her mission and vision for her business has evolved

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Agnieszka:

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