#240: [Client Case Study] How I Got Over My Bullies by Taking My Business Online with Martha Pelkman

#240: [Client Case Study] How I Got Over My Bullies by Taking My Business Online with Martha Pelkman

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Martha Pelkman is a writing coach passionate about helping women overcome their internal turmoil caused by childhood bullies by learning and honing their creative writing skills and sharing their stories with the world. She believes that writing and crafting your story not only helps others cope with issues around bullies but also helps the writer heal their emotional wounds and alter their memories in the process.

Martha shares how she overcame her mindset challenges linked to childhood bullies and her fears of becoming visible by taking her coaching business online. She explains how she realized she needed support and guidance through her journey into online entrepreneurship and how taking small steps outside her comfort zone empowered her to be more visible and more confident. She also shares the life-changing moment that significantly impacted her business and her self-esteem as well as her ability to realize her self-worth as an online entrepreneur.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“It’s so beautiful to be yourself – to not be dependent on what other people think of you.” – Martha Pelkman” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Client Case Study Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Martha realized she needed support and guidance to take her business to the next level
  • How she overcame the fear of being visible
  • How taking small steps outside her comfort zone impacted her self-confidence and helped her grow her business
  • The difference between constructive feedback and criticism
  • How stepping out of her comfort zone led to increasing her coaching sales
  • How she is impacting the lives of other women through her online course
  • How creating her online course impacted her self-confidence
  • How she finally began valuing her worth
  • What the future holds for her new online business

Connect with Martha Pelkman:

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