#246: How to Create a Great Live Event for Your Audience Based on #SigrunLive

#246: How to Create a Great Live Event for Your Audience Based on #SigrunLive

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Only 18 months ago, I had the idea of hosting a live event. Within a few short months, my team and I developed the framework to turn this idea into a reality. By September 2017, I held my first ever Sigrun Live event.

Last weekend, we wrapped up our third live event in only 12 months. At this event, we had over 200 guests travel to Zurich, Switzerland to participate in Sigrun Live.

In this episode, I tell you how we created an amazing live event that gets rave reviews and leaves the audience excited to attend future events. I share the strategy and process we use to develop the framework for an outstanding live event. I also talk about how I overcame moments when the “lizard brain” tried to take over with self-doubt and limiting beliefs, how I identified the perfect time to upsell my mastermind programs, and how hosting Sigrun Live has impacted the growth of my business.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“When planning a live event with hundreds of people, there are many micro-decisions you make that give you the self-confidence that you can actually pull it off.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How the seed for Sigrun Live was planted
  • How I overcame the “lizard brain,” self-doubt, and limiting beliefs
  • How hosting my Mastermind & Makeover Day events inspired me to host bigger events
  • How to build your self-confidence to host a live event
  • The benefits of including tickets for your live event as a bonus in the programs you offer
  • Creating a financial plan and budget for your first live event
  • The format I use to create Sigrun Live
  • Why I include a mastermind day and mastermind sessions in my live event
  • How I identified the perfect moment to announce my mastermind group programs during my first Sigrun Live
  • How hosting a live event can impact your business – and revenue
  • The importance of being open to make changes and improve your live events


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