#247: Stop Pushing Your Way to Success with Lisa Carpenter

#247: Stop Pushing Your Way to Success with Lisa Carpenter

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Lisa Carpenter, author of Let’s E.A.T, is a sought-after speaker, coach and educator. Through her work and writing, she helps high-achieving entrepreneurs to unleash their personal power, establish boundaries and find spiritual enlightenment through Full Frontal Living. She speaks about the importance of ‘showing up’ in our own lives and writes about a variety of related topics, including diet and body shaming.

Lisa joins me to discuss her own journey to enlightenment and wellness, how those practices can be relevant to entrepreneurs and how to instill a mantra of ‘excellence over perfection’. We discuss how many entrepreneurs come to a place of misdirection, and how she helps entrepreneurs with finding their core values and master their self-worth. She also shares some great tips for success, as well a free resource for listeners.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Lisa’s previous career history and life experiences
  • How she began coaching and advocating wellness
  • Why people seek out coaching
  • The problem with perfectionism
  • What perfectionism could be masking
  • How to strive for excellence over ‘perfect’
  • How she helps her clients and figures out what they need
  • Why women struggle with self-worth and how it impacts their business
  • The danger of measuring ourselves against others
  • How to ask ourselves better questions

Key Takeaways:

  1. Who you are impacts your business.
  2. Taking responsibility for our own actions and thoughts is the first step to success.
  3. Release victim mentally and hold yourself accountable.
  4. Ask yourself how you’re feeling, and deal with it positively.

Connect with Lisa Carpenter:

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Are you ready to build your DREAM business? Learn the steps you need to take to turn your passions into profit and build your dream business with my new 8-week video series: Build Your Dream Business. You’ll learn how to create your vision, develop and plan your business idea, how to market your products or services, and much, much more!

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.