#250: How to Detect and Work Through Your Upper Limit

#250: How to Detect and Work Through Your Upper Limit

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If you want to learn how to build a successful online business, it is critical to learn how to overcome your upper limit problems. Every entrepreneur, regardless of how successful they are, experience upper limit challenges as they grow their businesses. The key to achieving your dreams of building a successful 6 or 7 figure business is identifying those challenges and learning how to overcome them.

I explain what an upper limit problem is, how it manifests, and how it impacts your success. I share some of the upper limit problems I have faced throughout my journey as an online entrepreneur and the strategies I used to overcome them. I also explain how participating in mastermind groups and coaching programs can help you detect upper limit problems as well as how sharing these challenges with others can help you develop a strategy to work through them.

“With every new level, there’s a new devil.” – Sigrun


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Understanding what upper limit problems are
  • Upper limit challenges I have faced throughout my journey in online business
  • Why giving into your upper limit challenges is a form of self-sabotaging behaviors
  • How participating in mastermind groups and coaching programs can help you overcome upper limit problems
  • Lessons I have learned by realizing my upper limit problems
  • The four barriers that prevent entrepreneurs from detecting their upper limit challenges
  • Strategies to overcome your upper limit problems

4 Steps to Work Through Your Upper Limits:

  1. Acknowledge the upper limit problem.
  2. Breathe when you feel fear.
  3. Turn worry into a positive idea.
  4. Expand positive feelings, thoughts, and ideas.


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