#257: [On Air Coaching] How to Stand Out and Be Taken Seriously in a Sea of Fakeness with Mirjam van der Zee

#257: [On Air Coaching] How to Stand Out and Be Taken Seriously in a Sea of Fakeness with Mirjam van der Zee

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Mirjam van der Zee, a.k.a. The Moon Lady, is the owner of a tarot card reading and moon-based coaching business where she helps individuals and entrepreneurs gain insight and clarity and make better decisions through moon-based coaching programs, courses, and tarot reading services. With a previous professional background as a P.A. at international law and consultancy firms as well as a massage therapy practitioner and a keen interest and love for poetry, art, mythology, and nature, she has combined her professional experience and personal interests to successfully turn her passion into profits.

Mirjam joins me for this On Air Coaching episode to learn how to structure her business ideas in an exciting – and doable – way to grow her business and attract her ideal client. We discuss how to stand out and increase your authority in your industry and how to align yourself and your business with the industry leaders you admire. We also discuss how to create content to attract your ideal clients and the value of asking for client testimonials and referrals.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“It is often undervalued in online business that word of mouth is quite strong.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]

In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Identifying and understanding your ideal client
  • How to create content to attract your ideal client
  • How to build your industry authority
  • The importance of creating consistent content
  • The benefits of interviewing industry leaders
  • The importance of asking for recommendations and testimonials
  • Using coupon codes and vouchers to encourage client testimonials and referrals

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