#261: How to Become a Productive Podcaster

#261: How to Become a Productive Podcaster

[one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Apple Podcasts[/one_third][one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Stitcher[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Google Play[/one_third_last]


Launching a podcast can be a lot of work. From developing a content strategy that will resonate with your ideal audience to finding the right software and equipment and building a team to support your endeavor – there is a lot that goes into creating content for this growing medium.

And once you’ve launched your podcast, your work isn’t done. Podcasting is an advanced content marketing strategy. And as many podcast hosts will say, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

I take you behind the scenes of launching my podcast with 100 episodes in 100 days, releasing three episodes each week, and I share strategies on how to improve your productivity as a podcast host. I explain why having a vision and a ‘why’ for your show is critical for a successful podcast, the type of equipment and software I use to record my episodes, and tips on how to create a name and description for your podcast. I also discuss how you can automate various processes when preparing each episode and how you can repurpose your podcast content.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Podcasting is not the best lead-generation strategy – but it is fantastic to build your authority and nurture your existing email list – especially your clients.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Getting clear on why you want to launch a podcast
  • The biggest advantage of podcasting over other content mediums
  • Why you need a vision and solid reason for starting a podcast
  • Understanding that podcasting is a long-term content strategy
  • How picking a niche can impact the success of your podcast
  • Developing content ideas
  • Equipment and software necessary to record and launch your show
  • Why I set aside a full day for podcasting
  • How to create an authoritative podcast description
  • The importance of getting your podcast accepted by iTunes
  • Challenges associated with marketing a podcast named after you
  • Creating an intro and outro for your show
  • The difference between a podcast hosting service and a podcast distribution channel
  • Choosing the right podcast hosting service
  • Setting up your podcast on iTunes
  • The minimum number of episodes you should release on launch day
  • Creating a process to stay productive
  • Researching your podcast guests before inviting them on your show
  • The benefits of batch recording and building a podcast team
  • How to effectively use podcast transcripts to promote your show
  • Strategies for repurposing your podcast episodes
  • Using automation tools and strategies to increase your productivity and team collaboration

Resources Mentioned:

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