#285: [Client Case Study] How I Quadrupled My Prices Within a Year with Elisabeth Engel


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Elisabeth Engel is an Energy Coach who is passionate about helping women discover more energy, free up more time in their busy schedules, and set healthy boundaries so they can accomplish the things they’ve always dreamed of. Through her free 5-day mini-course as well as her online coaching programs, she has helped many sensitive women unlock the power of saying NO and gain more time, energy, and strength to do the things they truly love.

In this Client Case Study episode, Elisabeth joins me to share the inspirational story of how she pivoted her career from working as an Executive Assistant in the corporate world to becoming a successful self-employed Energy Coach. She shares how a year-long illness inspired her to start her business, how she created her first 10,000 Euro product, and how it led her to quadruple her program prices within a year. She also shares the mindset shift she had after booking her first 10k client, the trials and tribulations she overcame to achieve her dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Open up your mind and invite balance to come into your life.” – Elisabeth Engel ” username=”sigruncom”]

In this Client Case Study Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Elisabeth’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur
  • The challenges she faced while building her business
  • Why she believes in the power of investing in yourself
  • The difference between her online coaching programs and her speed coaching program
  • How she quadrupled her prices within a year 
  • The breakthroughs she made throughout her entrepreneurial career
  • How the idea for her 10k product was born and how she booked her first client with this package within 3 days of launching it
  • How creating her first 10k product gave her the confidence to raise the prices of her other coaching programs
  • Her goals for 2019

Connect with Elisabeth Engel:

Join the exclusive Profit Workshop!

Sign up for this free SOMBA training and get access to the Plan Your Profits workshop and learn how to price your programs, position your business, and when to launch.

The FREE Profit Workshop is packed with 6 hours of training and includes a 40 pages of worksheets to help you EXPLODE your profits this year, based on my tried-and-tested profit plan.

Achieve your profit goals this year! Join the Profit Workshop now!

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.