#290: [Client Case Study] Taking an Offline Coaching Business Online and International with Renate Schmidt

#290: [Client Case Study] Taking an Offline Coaching Business Online and International with Renate Schmidt

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Renate Schmidt is a psychologist, integral business coach, and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioner who loves helping female entrepreneurs live life to the fullest.
She has been navigating the business world for 20 years and has had her fair share of experience in shifting her business model. Her introduction to entrepreneurship was inspired by her father while growing up in an entrepreneurial household.

In this Client Case Study episode, Renate shares how she transitioned her offline business coaching model to an online business model. She discusses her journey as a very young entrepreneur and what led her to make the shift from practicing clinical psychology to empowering female entrepreneurs. She also shares how shifting her business online and joining a mastermind group has greatly impacted her perspective and her company’s revenue.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Independence is very important. And with this independence, I can create things and help other people.” – Renate Schmidt” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What inspired Renate to become an entrepreneur
  • What helped her to be very good in business
  • How the shift in the laws in Germany impacted her business
  • How she balanced working with companies and with private clients
  • Why she became interested in online business
  • What her business looked like after she joined SOMBA
  • How SOMBA impacted the revenue of her business
  • How she’s working differently now with her clients after making the shift to online
  • The hardest part for her during the Mastermind Iceland Retreat
  • The one danger we have as entrepreneurs

Connect with Renate Schmidt:

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