#322: How My First Webinar Had an 80% Show Up Rate and 7.7% Conversion

#322: - [Client Success Story] How My First Webinar Had an 80% Show Up Rate and 7.7% Conversion

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Kasia Krasucka is a Polish expat currently living in Copenhagen and has been an English teacher for 17 years and counting. When she moved from England to Denmark in 2015, she worked as an interpreter after becoming proficient in the Danish language in only a year. Launching her one-to-one Danish classes to Polish speakers a year later, Kasia aims not only to educate her students about a new and different language but also to empower them to live their lives more authentically, by becoming aware of and shedding their self-limiting beliefs.

Kasia joins me today to share how her first webinar in her newly launched business had a phenomenal 80% show-up rate and almost 8% conversion. We discuss why she decided to get help through the SOMBA program, when she could have built her business on her own, as well as the surprising support she received from the SOMBA community. We also talk about how Kasia’s limited knowledge of the workings of an online business helped her put aside perfectionism and be open to learning.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Do not reach for being perfect, but just focus on those little steps every day and look at how you move forward.” – Kasia Krasucka” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What Kasia’s business looked like six months ago
  • How Kasia came up with her freebie and why she promoted it on Facebook instead of her email list
  • Why Kasia chose to promote to a cold audience
  • How she built her email list from nothing to over 1000 people in 30 days
  • Kasia’s mindset shift from perfectionist to humble learner
  • What made her decide to use a webinar to launch her business
  • The factors Kasia considered while she determined the pricing of her new course
  • The approach she used to offer more value to her webinar attendees
  • The valuable support Kasia never thought she’d have in the SOMBA program

Free Masterclass: 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success

Are you ready to get serious about building and scaling your service-based business for long-term success? Join me for my free masterclass: The 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success. In this free masterclass, you’ll learn the proven growth plan for creating a sustainable online business and the key mistakes you should avoid while scaling your business. It’s time to make a bigger impact doing what you love, to continuously grow your online business, and to be the kind of person who turns your dreams into reality.

So if you’re ready to scale your online business to new heights,to sign-up for this free masterclass: 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success.3Secrets-FBGroup

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