#341: How to Get 137 Sign-Ups for Your Brand New Online Course with Juliane Davidshofer

How to Get 137 Sign-Ups for Your Brand New Online Course with Juliane Davidshofer

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Juliane Davidshofer is a thriving female entrepreneur who empowers women through holistic coaching and mentoring. In her mission to equip women to experience happier and empowered lives, Juliane organizes retreats, runs transformation centers, and created the Wonder Woman program. She is a successful network marketer and nutritional coach. Juliane has been self-employed for three decades and has inspired thousands of women across the globe.

Juliane joins me to share how she pursued financial and lifestyle freedom when she decided to be an entrepreneur. She explains how she discovered her bigger calling and how this has encouraged her to take the necessary steps to impact more women in different parts of the world. Juliane also shares how she trusted the mastermind group process she was in to maximize her impact and how it led to receiving 137 sign-ups for her brand new online course.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Even if it’s just like a one-woman show, you can duplicate your impact.” – Juliane Davidshofer” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Juliane’s entrepreneurial journey began and how she knew that she wanted to work independently
  • The people who influenced her to pursue working independently
  • What changed her view about online entrepreneurship
  • Why working online felt like an “escape from prison” for her
  • A significant step she took before launching her online business
  • Juliane’s life-changing realizations about planning, creating and running her first online course
  • How she turned complete strangers to superfans
  • In the process gained 137 sign-ups for her first online course
  • How her mindset shifted when she experienced the results of trusting the SOMBA mastermind process
  • Also how launching her online course inspired her to offer 1-to-1 coaching programs 
  • What many women entrepreneurs lack that affects their growth and stability as business owners

Build a Wildly Successful Online Business – Join SOMBA!

Are you ready to make this year your best year in online business? Join the waitlist for SOMBA, the only 12-month personalized growth system designed to build your business with a proven 7-STAGE SUCCESS BLUEPRINT.

If you’re ready for passion, money and freedom and to trampoline yourself into the BIGGEST, wildest version of your success, join the waitlist now and get updates on when SOMBA re-opens!

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