How You Need to Pivot Your Content in the Age of COVID with Celinne da Costa

How You Need to Pivot Your Content in the Age of COVID with Celinne da Costa

Have you ever felt you’re living your life according to what other people expect of you? 

Celinne da Costa felt exactly like this when she was working a corporate job around the clock for a big agency in New York. When she was a child, she immigrated to the US from Italy and felt she had to work extra hard to achieve the American dream. 

She had big expectations about who she needed to become, but when she started feeling miserable and without purpose, she realised that all this time she had worked to become a version of who others wanted her to be. She had been living other people’s dreams. 

Then she fell into a low. Her grandfather died, her boyfriend broke up with her on her birthday, she didn’t get the promotion she expected and her rent went up by 30%. That’s when she knew things had to change. Nine months later, she was on a one-way flight to Europe. 

Celinne embarked on a social experiment. She challenged herself to travel the world through couch surfing, never going to a hotel but sleeping in the homes of strangers. She ended up staying with 100 people in 20 countries. The experience has brought her to where she is today. 

In this episode of the Sigrun Show, Celinne talks about how interviewing all the people she met around the world made her discover that every single person has a story to tell. She shares how she took this insight to start her own business, helping others find out who they are and who they want to become, and creating a powerful brand story around them. Celinne also talks about how she shifted her content to align with the changing times we live in. 

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Every single day, my goal is to share a story.” – Celinne da Costa” username=”sigruncom”]

This episode is for you if you want to find out what the essence of a good story is, and if you want some tips on how you can pivot your content in the age of COVID. 

What you will get out of this episode:

    • Not the American Dream: How Celinne discovered a corporate job wasn’t for her (4:20) 
    • The moment Celinne had her epiphany (8:32)
    • How Celinne helps people tell their stories (11:09)
    • The essence of a good story (12:23)
    • What kind of content you should be putting out right now (13:45)
    • How Celinne shifted her content (20:56)
    • How Celinne built her Instagram following with storytelling (23:40)
    • What Celinne does to write every day (25:29)
    • Celinne’s system of keeping her stories organised (27:32)

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Ready to pivot your content or discover your own story? Learn to tell your story or check out how you can connect with your dream client through storytelling.

How to Pivot Your Content Right Now

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, Celinne observed that people are mostly reactive with their content, posting and publishing it without thinking how it relates to their business and the people they’re trying to serve.

It was as if everyone was running towards something, climbing on top of each other, creating a mess. – Celinne da Costa

With the changing situation, it’s become clear that your content needs to change to be able to speak to the needs of your audience. The best way to do that is by being proactive and showing up as a leader in your niche. Here, Celinne shares tips how you can shift your content in the age of COVID. 

Come back to your bigger “why”

This is the key to creating your content. Ask yourself why your business exists, why you get out of bed in the morning, what your bigger purpose is. Dig deep within and reconnect with your vision and mission. 

The needs of your audience

Once you have your “why” clear in front of you, think about what kind of content would serve your audience right now. It should be content that is still relating to your why, but also isn’t blind to the events that are happening. Say focused on the bigger message you want to share and how that can benefit your audience. Stories about 100k months or going on travelling adventures were inspirational when people believed that it was possible for them, too. But right now, these big stories feel untouchable for people who are in survival mode. Make your content shift and speak to the problems people have right now. 


Share your challenges and struggles with your audience. Tell them you understand what they are going through because it’s affecting you, too. Make them see how you’re showing up during these times, and how they can deal with the situation. 

Short-term comfort

A lot of entrepreneurs are thriving right now because they’re offering short-term solutions. What people need right now are quick wins, so it’s not the best time to offer year long programs or processes where they won’t see results early on. Give your audience something they can implement and see results right away. 

Brand building

Not everyone has the resources to invest in you right now. But you should still think about creating connections and inspiration by sharing your vision and giving people value. You can do this through a freebie, a masterclass or even your higher end content. Because when the crisis passes and people have the resources again to invest, they are going to remember the brands that gave them inspiration and guidance during this difficult time, and turn to them.


Did this episode help you get ideas on how to pivot your content? Let me know if you made any shifts with your content. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Curious About Momentum?

This week, I’m starting a new sprint inside my Momentum group coaching and accountability program. Most online entrepreneurs plan and prepare their launches too late or just a couple of weeks before they want to launch. With this new 60 day sprint, our Momentum members will create a runway so their launches can take off in the fall. I always have a runway in my launches and this is the first time I break down exactly what you need to do to have a multiple 6 or 7 figure launch. 

I’m so excited to see everyone in Momentum take off with a great runway. If you’re making money in your online business but not yet at $20K/month then Momentum might be something for you.

Click here for more information. 

Connect with Celinne da Costa

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