How I Sold 212 Spots in My First Proper Launch with Marisa Schmid

How I sold 212 spots in my first proper launch with Marisa Schmid

To build your business and brand, you need to launch. Launching is the foundation of my multiple 7-figure business, and I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t learned how to launch. 

Because launching is such an important part of any online business, I invited Marisa Schmid as my guest on the Sigrun Show today. Marisa is in my VIP Mastermind program and recently did her first proper launch – with spectacular results! 

564 people signed up to her launch webinar and she thought that about a third would actually show up. She was quite happy with that number, but when the day of her webinar came, 484 people showed up for it. It came as a complete surprise to her. Average show up rates to a webinar are between 20-30%. Marisa had a show up rate of 80%. 

When she did her sales presentation towards the end of her webinar, she still had about 95% of the people listening to her. Then, so many people wanted to buy her offer that her site crashed. 

Marisa ended up having a conversion rate of 40% and made €43K – in the middle of April, while the pandemic was peaking in Europe. 

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“I’m so sure about what I’m offering that I don’t think I’m actually selling, but sharing something great.” – Marisa Schmid” username=”sigruncom”]

In this episode of the Sigrun Show, Marisa shares her launch story and talks about what she did to keep her audience engaged until the end of her webinar and how presenting her offer didn’t feel like selling at all. We also reflect on what she can do differently the next time she launches. 

If you’re planning on launching yourself, don’t miss this conversation with Marisa. It contains so much valuable information about launching and might help you with your own launch.

What you will get out of this episode:

        • Marisa’s first proper launch (3:57) 
        • How Marisa used YouTube ads to promote her webinar (7:25)
        • The unusual show-up rate for Marisa’s webinar (12:03)
        • What happened when Marisa offered her course at the end of the webinar (16:48)
        • What Marisa did to keep her audience excited until the end (21:02) 
        • How presenting her offer didn’t feel like selling (22:45)
        • Maria’s incentive to buy fast (25:05)
        • The importance of reminders (27:01)
        • Why Marisa thinks that now is the perfect time to offer online courses (37:03) 
        • What Marisa will do differently in her next launch (38:31)

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Do you want to know more about launching? Learn how to launch in challenging times or how to learn from your last launch and do it better next time.

Using YouTube Ads in Your Launch

The number of sign ups Marisa got for her webinar and especially the amount of people who showed up for it is extraordinary. 

Marisa had announced her webinar to her email list, on her Facebook page and through her YouTube channel, but she didn’t stop there. She also ran ads, both on Facebook and YouTube. 

Especially her ad on YouTube led to many sign ups. As she was preparing for her webinar, she thought about the short ads that always run before the start of her own videos. If there were ads in front of her videos, wouldn’t she be able to place her own ads in front of other people’s videos, too? 

After some research, Marisa found out that she could do just that, and more: She could choose the specific channels she wanted her ads to appear on. She started researching channels of people who were in the same niche as her and set up her ad – an authentic, 45 second video she recorded in her own garden. By selecting the right channels, she was able to immediately target people who were already interested in what she was talking about and had to offer. As a result, her sign-ups went through the roof. 


Are you about to launch yourself? I would love to hear how you are preparing your launch, the difficulties you might have encountered and the lessons you have learned. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Upcoming Launch Workshop

Speaking of launching, I’m doing a one day live workshop on launching where I teach exactly what you should and what you shouldn’t do to have a successful launch. Are you prepared to have your best launch yet? 

Then sign up here.

Connect with Marisa Schmid

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