Why Messaging Is More than a Tagline with Michelle Mazur

Why Messaging is More than a Tagline with Michelle Mazur Messaging is the foundation of your business – it influences your positioning, your client journey and marketing. If you don’t attract your ideal clients, it often comes down to the wrong messaging. 

Michelle Mazur is my guest this week on The Sigrun Show and she is passionate about messaging. She came up with the 3 Word Rebellion, a concept that not only helps entrepreneurs capture their powerful, intriguing message, but also become thought leaders. 

We spoke about what messaging is, how you can find and define your message, and Michelle’s 3 Word Rebellion and how it can work for your business. 

Are you wondering how you can make your messaging more captivating and intriguing? Then dive right in! 

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Anybody can have red or blue hair – but when you have your own three word rebellion, that is your unique mark on the world.” – Michelle Mazur” username=”sigruncom”]

Are you more of a reader? Scroll down to read about the 3 Word Rebellion and how it can make your messaging more powerful!

What you will get out of this episode:

  • Michelle’s background (4:11)
  • The 3 world rebellion (9:25)
  • Why your messaging goes beyond your tagline (10:54) 
  • What messaging is (13:13) 
  • Why you need to start with your message before you create your brand (15:51)
  • How to find your message (17:11)
  • How you can apply the three word rebellion yourself (20:47)

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How to Make Your Messaging More Powerful

Messaging is a foundational piece of your business. It’s where your copy, your marketing and PR efforts, and ultimately your sales come from. Figuring out how you communicate your offer is key to reaching people and get them into your orbit. 

But what is the key to powerful messaging? 

Michelle says it starts with your audience. Understand who they are, what their challenges are, and why they’re hesitant about going all in on the change you could create for them with your business. Truly emphasize with their needs, fears and objections. 

Be aware of the journey your clients are on and that there is a big number of people who is still unaware of you. If you can capture their attention, that’s how you grow your audience. Think about what would make them notice you and what kind of offer would be compelling for them. 

The 3 Word Rebellion

Michelle came up with a concept to capture people’s attention in a heartbeat: The 3 Word Rebellion. Its goal is to create intrigue and curiosity, but also to position entrepreneurs as thought leaders and create a message that is spreadable. 

An example of this is Mel Robbins’ 5 Second Rule. When Michelle came across it, she immediately wanted to know what it was about. Mel got her with three little words, and all of a sudden, Michelle was consuming her content. 

If you want to come up with a three word concept for your business, think about

  • What gets people’s attention and makes them curious?
  • What makes them think about themselves and what impact do your words have on their businesses?
  • How do you keep their attention once you have it?

The 3 Word Rebellion is about getting people into your door. It’s gabbing that initial attention without you having to dye your hair a crazy colour or doing funny dances on TikTok. It’s a powerful way to own your space in your industry, and be a category of one. 

Are you going to create a 3 Word Rebellion for your business? I’d love to hear what you come up with! You can follow, connect and share with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Do you want to learn how to launch? 

In Sigrun’s 12-month group coaching program Momentum, you get the coaching, accountability and support you need to take your business to $250K and beyond. You’ll create scalable programs to leverage your time, learn how to launch so you can sell more in less time,  and create your ascension model. 

Find out more about Momentum here.

Connect with Michelle Mazur

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