Iris has worked as an architect for over 30 years when she decided to start an online business on the side. When she took part in SOMBA Kickstart, she created her first online course, immediately had over 200 participants and made her first sales.
In this episode, she shares how she said goodbye to her corporate job, turned her side-business into her full-time business, and went her own way.
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What you will get out of this episode:
- How Iris started her online business (2:05)
- The course she came up with in Kickstart (8:12)
- What Iris offered as an upsell (9:26)
- How she turned her side-business to her full-time business (11:50)
- Why summer is the best time to focus on your online business (19:18)
The doors to SOMBA Kickstart are open until tomorrow
If you want to fast-track your online business by following a proven process that has helped over 1000 entrepreneurs create and sell online courses, Kickstart is for you.
If Iris can do it, you can too. Go here for more information on SOMBA Kickstart.