How to Add a Corporate Revenue Stream to Your Business with Jessica Lorimer

How to Add a Corporate Revenue Stream to Your Business with Jessica Lorimer

Be honest. Doesn’t adding an extra revenue stream to your business sound nice, especially in times like these?  

Jessica Lorimer can help with that. 

She had a successful corporate career, being one of the industry’s highest performing sales people, until she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Her doctor told her she either had to dial back on her working hours or be in a wheelchair by the time she turned 35. 

Jessica took this as an opportunity to create her own business, and today is responsible for the huge success of entrepreneurs selling their services to corporate organisations across the globe, adding corporate revenue to their businesses. As Jessica says, “If you want to generate the cash flow to help your online business take off, get a corporate revenue stream. The average UK corporate sale is worth £10K, the average B2C sale is worth £1’500. You can work less hard to generate 5 times the amount.”  

If you feel more than ever that your business could use an extra revenue stream, then this episode with Jessica is a must-listen. 

But adding a corporate revenue stream to your business isn’t only about making extra money – it also increases your credibility. Jessica says that even though books have become a huge credibility factor, nowadays everyone can write them. It’s different having a corporate revenue stream: “Only qualified people can add a corporate revenue stream because corporations are not going to buy from anybody they don’t believe in.”

On this episode of the Sigrun Show, you will hear all about how to create your own corporate revenue stream, plus an incredible story about one of Jessica’s clients who used to sell one-to-one services to women going through menopause and ended up selling to corporate clients instead. 

I hugely resonate with Jessica’s mission to make female business owners generate big impact and income, and appreciate her straightforwardness. 

So whether you want to generate more revenue, gain credibility or try out something that might be outside your comfort zone, this episode will help you.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“If you want to generate the cash flow to help your online business take off, get a corporate revenue stream” – Jessica Lorimer” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

  • Why Jessica had to leave her corporate career and created her own business (4:42) 
  • How she pivoted her business and finally found her calling (6:50)
  • Why online businesses should sell to corporate organisations at an early stage (9:59) 
  • What having a corporate revenue stream can do for you (10:40)
  • What you can sell to corporates (12:19)
  • The three steps to create your own corporate revenue stream (13:34)
  • How one of Jessica’s clients wasn’t happy with doing B2C, pivoted and had her first corporate client within six weeks and is now fully booked (21:15)
  • Why corporates don’t care about your social media presence, and what they really care about (27:05)
  • How corporates use LinkedIn as a professional networking platform, and you can, too (31:47)

Ready to create your own corporate revenue stream? I would love to hear how you plan to implement Jessica’s advice in your own business. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Connect with Jessica Lorimer:

Online Turnaround Program

The Online Turnaround Program is an intensive group coaching program where you will get the guidance and exact strategies you need to have a thriving online business – in just 10 weeks. When you join, you get the in-depth support you need to market and sell your new recession proof offer and set your business up for long-term success. If you want to start making sales and create cash flow fast, no matter if you need to take your offline business online or you want to grow and secure your existing online business, this program is for you. 

Click here to learn more

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