#301: How You Can Attract Wealth and Abundance with Your Money Story with Holly Signorelli

#301: How You Can Attract Wealth and Abundance with Your Money Story with Holly Signorelli

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Holly Signorelli is a certified public accountant (CPA), financial adviser, and wealth strategist for seven- and eight-figure professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and real estate investors. She is the author of multiple books including Do You Know Where Your Money Is® and The Secret to Wealth: How to Change Your Money Story. In addition to managing her business, she also currently works as an Investment Advisor Representative of Cabana LLC.

Holly joins me to share how your money story can attract wealth and abundance in your life. She discusses the background that influenced her to have a positive mindset about money, the different types of clients and how they differ from one another, and why she uses the boutique firm approach in her business. She also shares the relationship between the law of attraction and your brain as well as the concept of frequency illusion and why this concept is crucial with money.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“If you are not in a symbiotic relationship with your money, then you are not going to get the money that you want because your brain is constantly making choices for you. ” – Holly Signorelli” username=”sigrun.com”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Why Holly decided to be a certified public accountant (CPA) and a financial adviser
  • How she maintained her CPA clients when she transitioned as a financial adviser
  • The turning point that led her to sell her bigger company and take a break
  • What a boutique firm is and why she applies this strategy in her business
  • Describing the different archetypes of clients and how different they are from one another
  • Why she reached out to and collaborated with a neuroscientist as she wrote her book
  • What symbiotic resonance is and how it applies to your money mindset
  • How the Law of Attraction impacts your brain
  • The inspiration behind her book The Secret to Wealth: How To Change Your Money Story
  • What Holly includes in the money story for it to work
  • What frequency illusion is and why this concept is vital with money
  • How to deal with mental resistance that manifests in your body

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