#12: Behind The Scenes of a Podcast Launch With 100 Episodes in 100 Days

Episode 12 - Podcast Launch

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About two years ago, I had the idea to start a podcast – but I had many reservations. I had seen many entrepreneurs create podcasts, but I was unsure whether I should start one myself. Was podcasting only going to promote my guests? How was podcasting going to be relevant to my business?

Two years later I had done 100 webinars and I wanted a new way to connect with my audience and the idea of podcasting came up again. But I still had doubts. That is, until I attended the Social Media Marketing World 2017 conference and listened to inspiring speakers like Kate Erickson and Mark Schaefer.

I share with you my personal journey of becoming a podcast host and how you can start your podcast. I’ll share everything from what tools and equipment I use to record my episodes, how I find and book guests, and the investments I have made to turn my dream of producing 100 episodes in 100 days into a reality.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”When I make a decision – I make a decision. There was no turning back.” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

Key Takeaways:

  • Listen to other podcasts to create ideas for your show
  • Decide on what you are willing to invest
  • Decide if it’s something that will benefit your business
  • Record your episodes in .WAV format to achieve a polished, professional sound quality
  • Always make it valuable for your guests – especially those guests you don’t know

My Podcast Setup At My Desk:

My Podcast On-The-Road/Starter Kit Setup:

Additional Resources:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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