#61: Build an Online Business on the Side as a Teacher with Gyda Gudjonsdottir

Build an Online Business on the Side as a Teacher with Gyda Gudjonsdottir

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Gyda Gudjonsdottir is a teacher who created a 5-week math course in Icelandic that serves as training for the standardized tests in math. Her courses are designed to help students as young as 11 excel in Math. She started her online course in 2013, and is now working on creating other courses and looking forward to launching her membership site.

Gyda joins me on this episode to talk about how she started her online business from scratch with only a borrowed computer, a tablet, and ingenious ideas for an online math course. She also shares how she balances full-time teaching while working on a side business and the rewards she gets for her hard work.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Gyda’s inspiration for her online business
  • Identifying the market based on the demand
  • How she marketed her online courses without offering freebies
  • Why summer is the busiest time of year for her business
  • The number of available slots per summer course
  • The average price of the course
  • Benefits of an online course versus a typical classroom setup

Key Takeaways:

  1. It’s difficult to start an online business, but managing it gets easier every year.
  2. Be committed and find your inspiration.

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