Failed Launch? Here’s What You Can Do to Save Your Launch and Improve the Next One

Are you building your online business using launches to sell your programs? Then sooner or later, this will happen to you: A launch just doesn’t go your way.  You might have launched successfully before, or maybe you’re just starting out. But that launch you carefully prepared and planned? It’s just not taking off. You fear… Continue reading Failed Launch? Here’s What You Can Do to Save Your Launch and Improve the Next One

Why You Should NOT Start Your Own Podcast with Christine McAlister

Have you ever thought about starting your own podcast? Having a successful podcast can be amazing for your business, but producing it means hundreds of hours of work, unyielding consistency, and depending on a loyal listenership. Trust me, I know.   Christine McAlister, my guest this week on The Sigrun Show, has a different approach. She… Continue reading Why You Should NOT Start Your Own Podcast with Christine McAlister

How to Reach for Excellence with Juliet Ehimuan

Have you ever looked at the achievements of others and thought: If only I could do that, too?  Here’s a simple truth: Successful people aren’t naturally excellent at what they do — they work to be that way. Excellence is a way of life.  This week, I had a very interesting chat with Juliet Ehimuan… Continue reading How to Reach for Excellence with Juliet Ehimuan

How to Get the Attention of Journalists with Marike Frick

If you’re running an online business, putting yourself out there is necessary to get the visibility, credibility and clients that will make your business grow.  However, what immediately comes to mind when thinking about PR is the daunting number of press-releases that get sent out each day and are never read.  Marike Frick, my guest… Continue reading How to Get the Attention of Journalists with Marike Frick

6-Figure Breakthrough Series with Merilyn Beretta

When Merilyn joined Momentum in January 2019 she was frustrated and burned out from all the conflicting advice out there about online business. One month after she joined, she’d earned back her investment.  In this episode, she shares how she went on to quintuple her online revenue during her first year in Momentum, and doubled… Continue reading 6-Figure Breakthrough Series with Merilyn Beretta