#22: [On Air Coaching] How Do I Find My Next Clients Offline and Online?

[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Elisabeth Engel is a certified OpenMind Coach who works with highly sensitive and highly gifted people. Even though she has hosted workshops and invested in marketing courses, Elisabeth is struggling to find new clients. In… Continue reading #22: [On Air Coaching] How Do I Find My Next Clients Offline and Online?

#21: How to Become More Confident with Rachel Luna

[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Rachel Luna has become known as the Queen of Confidence. She is a confidence coach passionate about helping women gain the confidence they need to achieve their goals, passions, and dreams. She is the author… Continue reading #21: How to Become More Confident with Rachel Luna

#20: [On-Air Coaching] How to Take My Offline Coaching Business Online

[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Ariane Heinz is a vocal consultant and the owner of Ariane Leanza Heinz where she works with local clients such as The Walt Disney Company and TEDx Zurich speakers to develop their voice, gain the… Continue reading #20: [On-Air Coaching] How to Take My Offline Coaching Business Online

#19: How to Grow Your First Million with Shazzie

[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Shazzie is a life and business mastery mentor, the host of Raw Kitchen on The Active Channel, and the author of five books. She is a recording artist of guided meditations for Divinity Publications, Ltd… Continue reading #19: How to Grow Your First Million with Shazzie

#18: [On-Air Coaching] How Do I Scale Engagement in My Launch to Make More Sales?

[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Lisa Peek is a Money and Impact coach and the owner of The Impact Ripple. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs overcome their mindset limitations around money, allowing them to play a bigger game, grow… Continue reading #18: [On-Air Coaching] How Do I Scale Engagement in My Launch to Make More Sales?