#173: How to Create a Dream Retreat Based on Mastermind Retreat Iceland

#173: How to Create a Dream Retreat Based on Mastermind Retreat Iceland

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Entrepreneurship is all about turning your dreams into a reality. It’s about creating the life you’ve always wanted while doing the work you enjoy and feel destined to do. Many new online entrepreneurs dream of hosting a live event such as a retreat. If you dream of hosting a mastermind retreat, there are many things you need to consider in order to ensure your event is successful for your business as well as those in attendance.

In this episode, I share how I turned my dream of hosting a mastermind retreat into a reality and the steps I took early in my business to ensure its success. I explain the importance of developing proof of concept for new services or products you launch, how to budget your expenses when planning a live event, and the importance of learning from your mistakes and listening to your clients to improve the results of future events. I also explain the importance of hiring an amazing team to support you through the launch of your live event and the impact that using videos and photos in your marketing campaigns can have on your event’s success.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How sharing your business goals and dreams can help turn them into a reality
  • How the idea of my Mastermind Retreat Iceland started
  • How I began planning the event early in my business
  • Strategies to develop proof of concept for your product or event
  • The importance of developing realistic goals and expectations when planning a retreat
  • Learning from your mistakes and listening to what your clients want to improve future events
  • Creating a budget to launch your retreat
  • The importance of building a team to ensure the success of your event

Key Takeaways:

  1. Proof of concept is how you prove to yourself – and others – that your product idea can work.
  2. Photos and videos taken during your live event are great marketing tools you can use for many years.
  3. Build an amazing team around you to help you create your dream retreat.

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Mastermind Retreat Iceland

Six days to transform your business (and life) forever…
During this intimate, six-day mastermind retreat, you’ll discover new relationships (with other ambitious online entrepreneurs), design a plan to grow and scale your business, take in the breathtaking best of South Iceland and experience multiple mindset breakthroughs so that you walk away with a plan for success in the next 12 months. LEARN MORE HERE.