#194: Creating the Ultimate Challenge to Build Your Business with Nathalie Lussier

#194: Creating the Ultimate Challenge to Build Your Business with Nathalie Lussier

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Nathalie Lussier is an award-winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and the creator of the 30-Day List Building Challenge. She created her first website at the age of 12 and, later,  graduated from college with a Software Engineering degree. She refused a job offer from Wall Street to start her own business. Together with her husband, Nathalie currently runs her online software business, and has been featured in Inc. Magazine, FastCompany, Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider.

Nathalie joins me to share how to create the ultimate challenge to build your business. She shares how she developed her idea for the 30-Day List Building Challenge as well as the strategies she uses to motivate people to finish the challenge. She also explains how to include tripwires in your marketing strategy as well as the lessons she has learned throughout her journey as an online entrepreneur.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Getting people engaged and getting them the results you promised is really what it’s all about.” – Nathalie Lussier” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Nathalie got into online business
  • How the 30-Day List Building Challenge helps her current online software business
  • What is a tripwire and how it works
  • How PopupAlly and AccessAlly have prepared for the GDPR regulation changes
  • How to create free content to encourage your audience to complete your challenge
  • What gamification is, how it works, and ways to implement it

Key Takeaways:

  1. The natural progression from list building is to launch something.
  2. Think about putting yourself in the shoes of the person taking this course or this program. Think about how busy their life is and how they’re trying to fit this into their schedules.
  3. When creating content for your free course, do shorter videos and easy-to-digest type of content.
  4. Use psychology and motivation to encourage challenge-takers to complete your course.
  5. Think about prizes that complement the kind of content you are creating.

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Nathalie Lussier:

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