Everything You Need to Know About SOMBA Kickstart

Everything You Need to Know About SOMBA KickstartBefore I officially started my online business, I wasted 18 months overthinking my business idea. 

I created freebie after freebie, tried tool after tool, signed up for one free training after the other – but my business didn’t take off. After nine months I admitted to myself that I needed help. I was scared of the $5K investment, but I knew that doing it on my own wasn’t going to work either. 

And then the magic happened: I learned to launch, started to make sales, and shifted my mindset. As a result I achieved my first $10K month. It took me 27 months to get there. 

Today, I’m running a multiple seven-figure business. I’ve come up with SOMBA Kickstart, a step-by-step process where you can skip all the mistakes I’ve made and create your success in 10 weeks – and not waste months, like I did. 

SOMBA Kickstart helps you get clear on your ideal client, figure out your message, create and promote your online course, build your email list, and offer your upsell. 

Do you want to start your online business and are wondering if SOMBA Kickstart is for you? 

In this episode, I’m sharing what SOMBA Kickstart is all about, how it works, and how it can help you kickstart your way to success. 

If procrastination, doubts, or limiting beliefs are keeping you from taking action, this is just what you need.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Start before you’re ready.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]

Are you more of a reader? Scroll down to read about what Kickstart can do for you and how the program works!

What you will get out of this episode:

  • How I wasted 18 months overthinking my business idea (1:52)
  • Admitting to myself I need help (4:57) 
  • Launching my signature program SOMBA and understanding something is missing (6:27) 
  • Introducing SOMBA Summer School (8:53)
  • Perfecting SOMBA Kickstart (12:18)
  • What you’ll learn in SOMBA Kickstart (14:36)
  • How many people are successful with SOMBA Kickstart (22:55)

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Do you need more inspiration? Check out how to get inspired enough to take action on your big dream

SOMBA Kickstart Gives You Everything You Need to Take Your Business Online

SOMBA Kickstart helps you figure out the steps you need to take, when to take them and in what order so you can finally have the successful online business you want. Here’s what you’ll learn and implement  in 10 weeks: 

Getting clear on your ideal client

It’s not enough to have a website, create your course and simply start marketing it. The reason why so many people are not making sales is because they don’t know who their ideal client is. In SOMBA Kickstart, this is what we start with. You’ll learn how to figure out who your ideal client is, where you can find them and how you can reach them with your message. After two weeks you know exactly who your ideal client is and what kind of course you need to create to attract them. 

Creating a free course

During SOMBA Kickstart, you create a free 4-week course based on the needs of your ideal client and run it at the same time. The reason you’re offering this course for free is that you can test it, attract more people to sign up and grow your email list, and gain valuable insights and powerful testimonials that later help with your sales. After SOMBA Kickstart, this will become a course you can sell again and again. 

Promoting your course 

In SOMBA Kickstart, we create a sales page with all the courses our participants offer to help promote your course. We also give you a list with 40+ ideas on how you can promote your course so that you get as many participants as possible. 

Creating your upsell

After your free 4-week course, your participants will be excited to work with you and that’s when you offer them your upsell. In Kickstart, you’ll learn how to use the feedback of your ideal clients to create this upsell and make sales. 

After 10 weeks in SOMBA Kickstart, you 

  • know who your ideal client is
  • you figured out your message
  • you started building your email list
  • you’ve learned how to promote your course
  • you created and ran a course you can sell again and again
  • you learned how to create an upsell and make sales

It took me 27 months to figure all of this out because I thought I could do it on my own. With SOMBA Kickstart, you can figure this out in 10 weeks.

Doors are currently open for SOMBA Kickstart.

If you’re ready to fast track your business success, create your online course, and attract excited buyers in just 10 weeks, don’t waste any more time and sign up here.


Are you ready to kickstart your online business? I’d love to know! You can follow, connect and share with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram


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