#339: From First Online Course to More 1-1 Coaching Upsells with Claudia Jainz

From First Online Course to More 1-1 Coaching Upsells with Claudia Jainz

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Claudia Jainz is a professional organizer who helps people create order, declutter, and organize spaces in their homes. Aside from her in-demand online course, Claudia also teaches her clients how to arrange their possessions to make room for what they need in life. While pursuing her passion and helping others, Claudia still works as a digital marketer and looks forward to being a full-time entrepreneur soon.

Claudia joins me today to share how her first online course resulted in more one-to-one coaching clients, both online and offline. She shares what prevented her from starting an online business despite having everything set up. Claudia also shares why you owe it to yourself to overcome your fears and limiting beliefs to try to find the courage to put yourself out there.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Try to forget your fears. Try to forget just for a second that you might not do it right or that you might fail.” – Claudia Jainz” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What led Claudia to start her first online business.
  • The limiting beliefs and apprehensions that stopped her from kickstarting her online business.
  • How joining SOMBA Summer School helped her put direction to her business.
  • The number of people she had on her email list before she promoted her course this summer.
  • The encouraging feedback she got from her clients regarding the best part of her online course.
  • The unexpected response of her clients to the packages offered after the online course.
  • Where clarity in business comes from.

2x Your Online Business Results in 90 Days!

Are you ready to get better results in your online business? Ready to get super clear on your niche and finally get more done than ever before? Join me on September 22, 2019 for the free 90-Day Strategy to 2x Your Results Class! You’ll learn the exact 3 tools you need to scale your online business and focus on the activities that will get you the most results.

So if you’re ready to scale your online business to the next level, click here to save your seat for the 90-Day Strategy to 2x Your Results free live training.

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