#239: [Client Case Study] How I Hired My Husband to Help Me with My Online Business with Judith Peters

#239: [Client Case Study] How I Hired My Husband to Help Me with My Online Business with Judith Peters

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Judith Peters is an award-winning copywriter, wife, and mother of three young children. She holds multiple degrees in areas such as business administration, media design, and copywriting and has worked with countless small business owners, mid-sized companies, and advertising and design agencies. In addition to building her dream business of becoming Germany’s go-to expert for copywriting and creativity, she helps others hone their writing skills through online courses as well as lectures teaching others how to master advertising copy, advertising concept journalism, and public relations.

Judith shares how she hired her husband to help her build her dream online business. She tells us how working with her husband impacted her ability to focus more on her zone of genius and gave her the freedom to create online courses to help more students improve their skills. She also explains why overcoming your mindset challenges, facing your fears – especially your fear of success – and learning from your mistakes is a critical part of building a successful online business.

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In This Client Case Study Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Why Judith wanted to build an online business
  • How following role models inspired her to finally take action to build her business
  • Why she decided to hire her husband as a project manager
  • What it’s like working with her husband
  • Finding support from like-minded peopleFacing and overcoming fears and how it impacts your success
  • Learning from your mistakes, instead of letting them diminish your ambition
  • Personal challenges she overcame to achieve the success she has today
  • Overcoming fear of success

Connect with Judith Peters:

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