How My First Launch Generated $15K with Claudia Witticke

How My First Launch Generated $15K with Claudia Witticke

When the Corona crisis hit Italy in March, Claudia Witticke wasn’t allowed to do her sewing classes anymore. She thought it would just be a short holiday. But then she had to close her fabric shop as well and couldn’t produce anything anymore. From one day to the next, she wasn’t earning a cent. 

This didn’t only affect her livelihood. Claudia also felt a responsibility towards her employee and decided to do something about the situation. She sensed that a lot of people would want to learn and improve their skills during the time they had to spend locked up at home. Even though it seemed scary at first, she decided to take her services online. 

She joined SOMBA Accelerator (former Online Turnaround) and started to create her short-term offer, put it on her website and promoted it through her email list and on social media. Within three days, she sold 10 spots and made the money she invested into SOMBA Accelerator back. But that was only the start. 

In this episode of the Sigrun Show, Claudia shares how she prepared for her first launch, how she thought her webinar was a disaster,  and how she pushed through and had a $15K launch in the end. 

Claudia’s story is inspiring and relevant for everyone whose business has been affected by the Corona crisis, or is doing their first launch. Be sure to listen in!

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“I decided that if I went ahead and did something, there would be a way – I didn’t know how or what, but I was sure I was going to figure it out.” – Claudia Witticke” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

  • How it felt when Claudia wasn’t able to do her sewing classes anymore (2:30) 
  • Claudia’s positive attitude (4:03)
  • How Claudia made her money back three days after joining SOMBA Accelerator (5:00)
  • Learning how to do a proper launch (6:08)
  • Claudia’s webinar debacle (6:48)
  • How things turned around and Claudia made over $15K (7:48)
  • Claudia’s next goal (11:38)
  • How Claudia’s business is going to look like moving forward (12:40)

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Do you want to read more inspiring stories? Find out how Therese Bloom achieved a 35% conversion rate on her upsell or how Merilyn found the right support to reach 6 figures.

Did you resonate with Claudia’s story? I would love to hear about your experiences, difficulties and successes. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

It’s not too late for you to join the free 5-day online course: How to Succeed in the Next Normal in Online Business

The free 5-day online course How to Succeed in the NEXT NORMAL is running this week and it’s not too late for you to join. You can watch the recordings of the sessions we already did in the Facebook Group Selfmade Success in Online Business and join in for the live sessions still coming up this week!

If you’re ready to set your business up for the next normal and are prepared to take action, join the Facebook group, watch the recordings and join us now.

Connect with Claudia Witticke

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