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Hosting a live event is a dream that many entrepreneurs have, but this dream often comes with a lot of questions and concerns. How do you start? Where do you find event attendees? Where should you host your event and how much should you expect to pay upfront to host the live event before you begin selling tickets?
Hosting a live event can be a great way to grow your community, reach your audience, and connect with like-minded people. It can also be the stepping stone you need to pave the path to success for your business. In this episode, I share some of the tips, tricks, and strategies I used when I planned my first live event. I’ll also share the simple strategy I used to completely sell out my first event.
[tweetshareinline tweet=”Nothing is perfect – especially when you’re doing it for the first time. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]
In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:
- Starting small by planning a one-day event
- Leveraging small live event audiences to launch a bigger event
- Picking the right venue for your event
- Strategies to fill – and sell out – your event
Tips for Hosting Your First Live Event:
- Begin with the end in mind.
- Budget it.
- Create strategies to get sign ups.
- Plan the structure of your day.
- Mix input and interaction into your event.
- Think about the logistics, food and drinks, and gifts.
- Be sure to follow up.
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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
January 27 for SOMBA
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Download My Live Event Checklist
A comprehensive checklist to create a successful live event
This is the checklist that my teams uses when planning and running SIGRUN LIVE.
This checklist will make sure you don’t forget anything to make your live event successful.
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