How to Build a Big Business with a Tiny Offer with Allie Bjerk

How to Build a Big Business from a Tiny Offer with Allie Bjerk

Many of us are battling with this situation: We invest precious time in creating and advertising our freebie, only to end up having an email list full of freebie hunters instead of future buyers. 

But if not a freebie, what else will attract the right people to our email list? 

Allie Bjerk has figured it out. Feeling miserable about her corporate job after her son was born, she came up with an escape plan: Become an entrepreneur and help her own clients manage social media. 

At first she was amazed at how easy it was. Her client rooster was full, and she constantly updated her knowledge on Facebook ads and sales funnels to offer the best service she could. But her workload was unpredictable. She was living client to client, and when a payment didn’t come through, she found herself with her back against the wall: She either had to launch her own product, or close her business. 

She didn’t have the email list size or the audience to sell a high ticket offer, so she came up with a new strategy and created a tiny offer instead, hoping to gain visibility and grow her business. 

Over the course of the next eight months, she made $300K. 

In this episode, Allie shares the strategy behind the tiny offer, how you can gain visibility by applying it and what you need to consider when putting your own tiny offer out there.  

If you’re tired of putting freebies out there that attract the wrong audience, this is just what you need.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“People are starting to lead with a tiny product instead of a freebie because it attracts a different audience who’s ready to actually do the work.” – Allie Bjerk” username=”sigruncom”]

Are you more of a reader? Scroll down to read about how you can create your own tiny offer!

What you will get out of this episode:

  • How Allie’s priority shifted rapidly when her son was born (2:57)
  • What led Allie to come up with her tiny offer idea (6:25) 
  • How long it took Allie to create her first tiny offer (10:27) 
  • The profit Allie makes with her tiny offers (12:25)
  • Figuring out the pain points of your clients and creating multiple offers (13:40)
  • How Allie ended up creating a coaching program (16:39)
  • Allie’s vision (19:08)
  • How you can create your own tiny offer (20:45)
  • The system Allie uses (24:11) 
  • How the tiny offer trend will develop (27:15)

How to Create Your Tiny Offer

Even though Allie is making profit with her tiny offer, it’s really about attracting the right clients and building your email list. 

Much like with a freebie, people get a taste of your teaching style, but by paying a small price for it, the offer becomes more intimate and you attract people who are invested and actually want to do the work, instead of freebie-hunters who will never turn into buyers. 

Here’s what you need to think about when putting your tiny offer out there:  

Define your ultimate goal

If you could have any dream business, what would it be? Is it a coaching program, a course? Clarity on your end goal is key in understanding what your tiny offer needs to be about. 

Understand who to target

Work your way backwards to understand which people you need to attract to create the business you want. What are their pain points? How does their journey look like if they’re starting at point A and what do they need to get to point C (which is the ultimate result you provide)?  

Identify their pain point

Identify the one thing these people are struggling with. How can you solve their problem? Build a product around it that provides a quick fix. 

Once you’ve solved their problem, connect with them on an emotional level. Help them see what your upsell can do for them after they’ve purchased the initial tiny offer.

Do you think tiny offers are a good alternative to freebies? I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can follow, connect and share with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

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Are you already earning money with your online business but aren’t making $20K per month yet? If you want to learn how to scale your business, Momentum might just be the right program for you. 

In this 12-month group coaching program, you get the personalised support, accountability and proven process you need to take your business to six figures and beyond. 

Click here for more information.

Connect with Allie Bjerk

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