How You Instantly Get Rid of Fear and Overwhelm

How You Instantly Get Rid of Fear and OverwhelmDid you know that fear and overwhelm are the two most common reasons why people don’t make their dreams come true? 

As entrepreneurs, we are used to putting ourselves out there, yet sometimes we are held back by these two emotions. 

I see this happening all the time to women who want to build their online business. They see a long list of things they need to do, and overwhelm and procrastination kick in. Instead of working down the list, they stop. They give up. 

There’s a saying in Icelandic I have lived by for many years. Þetta reddast — it will work out. Sometimes, not having a choice and just working towards your goal is the best way to get rid of fear and overwhelm. 

In this episode, I’ll share with you examples of how Þetta reddast works in my personal life and for my business, and how you can instantly get rid of fear and overwhelm and go after your dreams.

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What you will get out of this episode:

  • Þetta reddast — it will work out (1:45)
  • The Peloton story (4:30)
  • Booking a venue without planning (10:37) 
  • How I got my clients to take action (14:48)

Do you want to get rid of fear and overwhelm while building your business?

Then Online Business Summer School is for you. It’s a free program running this June for anyone who wants to build their business during the summer, put themselves out there and grow their audience and revenue. 

I recently read a book by Malcolm Gladwell where he talks about why some people have more success than others. He made an example with reading skills, and how children who read during the summer break end up developing much better reading skills than others. 

The same goes for online business. I’ve had amazing success with clients building their business over summer, and that’s why I’m inviting you to join Online Business Summer School.

Get on the SOMBA Kickstart Insider List

While others are taking a break, you’ll be building your online business together with other amazing online entrepreneurs. 

Following Online Business Summer School we’ll be starting with SOMBA Kickstart on July 5th. To find out more about Online Business Summer School and SOMBA Kickstart get on the Insider List for early notifications and extra bonuses.