#313: How to Kill Your False Assumed Truths & Improve Your Mindset with Natalie Jill

#313: How to Kill Your False Assumed Truths & Improve Your Mindset with Natalie Jill

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Natalie Jill is a high-performance coach and fat-loss expert who leveraged the Internet to create a following of 2.5 million on social media. She helps hundreds of thousands of people transform into their best version ever. She is also a licensed Master Sports Nutritionist, a functional fitness trainer, and the author of the bestselling book Aging in Reverse. For the past few years, Natalie has also been one of the top influencers in the health and fitness industry as recognized by Forbes and Greatist.

Natalie joins me to share what led her to the drastic transformation she experienced in her life — physically and mentally. She explains what False Assumed Truths (F.A.T.s) are, how they impact your ability to achieve your goals in life and in your business, and the steps needed to reverse your mindset to achieve your goals. Natalie also shares the power of the mind body connection and how this power can transform not only the way you think but also the way you live.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“It’s a change of state – it’s your mindset – before you can plan your plate, which is the nutrition, and then ultimately your weight.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Natalie kills F.A.T.s (False Assumed Truths) for a living
  • How to apply F.A.T.-killing to your life and business
  • The three steps to transformation
  • Why her book is entitled Aging in Reverse
  • Things you should take ownership of before you can start making real change
  • The process behind the decisions you make
  • Why you need to be open-minded with what you can do regarding your nutrition, movement, and health
  • How to start new life patterns – even at age 50 or more
  • The same method she uses every time she experiences a rough spot
  • The secret ingredient in her program that allows her followers to achieve lifetime results

Connect with Natalie Jill:

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