Life & Business Opportunities during Covid-19

Life & Business Opportunities during Covid-19

I’ve watched disaster movies, read about the Spanish flu and the Black Death, but never in a million years did I expect to experience a pandemic myself. Do you feel the same way? 

It hit me on February 27th when I arrived in the US. I read about the first confirmed death in the United States and the first confirmed case in Iceland. It became clear to me: We are having a worldwide pandemic and everyone is going to be affected in one way or another. 

My first reaction was to go to CVS and buy a small hand sanitizer bottle. Two days later I wanted to buy more bottles but hand sanitizer was sold out all over the United States. That’s how fast the world changed – in just 2 days.

In this episode of the Sigrun Show, I share how I’m adjusting to the new normal, what decisions I took for my business in the last 7 weeks and how challenging times like these always bring new opportunities with them.  

I also talk about how Iceland became the best case study for how to respond to a pandemic and how service-based online business is booming right now. Are you wondering what opportunities are out there for you during this crisis?  Then this episode is for you.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Sometimes not having a choice is the best choice.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

  • When it hit me that we are having a worldwide pandemic (2:36) 
  • Why I started to feel uneasy about attending events (3:22)
  • How my business and private plans changed overnight (7:05)
  • Iceland’s response to the Corona crisis (7:40)
  • Why there was no need for a full shut down in Iceland (8:42)
  • Why conspiracy theories can cause harm (9:54)
  • Why we have to get used to a new normal (11:11)
  • The global home office experiment (13:52)
  • How industries are forced to digitalise (14:47)
  • How service-based online businesses are booming right now (17:07)
  • My brand new program (18:19)
  • The decisions I have taken in my business in the last 7 weeks (23:18)

What are you doing with your business during these challenging times? I would love to hear about your struggles, your ideas and your motivation during the Corona crisis. You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Live Bootcamp

During our last live bootcamp, Create Your Recession Proof Offer in a Weekend, hundreds of entrepreneurs, both offline and online, created a new offer for their business in 48 hours. We have since received amazing feedback and messages asking if we would do it again – and the answer is yes, the next live Bootcamp will take place on May 2-3. Walk away with a solid offer your clients actually want to buy during these challenging times and start selling it after just 48 hours. 

Sign up at

Turnaround Resources

My team and I have put together resources to support you during these challenging times. This page will continuously be updated with new resources. 

You can find all the resources here:

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