#319: How a New Coach is Building Her Online Business


#319: [Client Success Story] How a New Coach is Building Her Online Business

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Stacey Mendelson is a veterinarian turned certified life coach in Toronto, Canada where she focuses on helping divorced men and women navigate the stressful waters of divorce, family court, and custody cases, while fiercely advocating children’s rights in family court. As a 50-year-old single mother, she uses her experience of the hardship and stress involved in divorce and custody cases, to help her clients move toward their personal goals and show up as the best parent and litigant possible.

In this client success story, Stacey and I talk about  how she is building her online coaching business. We discuss  why she changed her career from working as a veterinarian to becoming a life coach and how she found her first beta client. We also talk about how joining SOMBA and using our buddy system helped her turn her passion into an online business.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“I have become the most courageous version of myself in my business.” – Stacey Mendelson” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Stacey’s strategy for gaining referral clients from local family lawyers
  • How connecting with other coaches that offer similar services has impacted Stacey’s business
  • The important shift she made from a competitive mindset to a mindset of abundance
  • Lessons she has learned since joining SOMBA
  • The value she receives from the SOMBA buddy system
  • What Stacey’s goals are for transitioning from 1-to-1 coaching to starting group sessions
  • How the skills she used as a veterinarian have helped her as an online coach
  • How joining SOMBA has impacted her entrepreneurial journey

Free Masterclass: 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success

Are you ready to get serious about building and scaling your service-based business for long-term success? Join me for my free masterclass: The 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success. In this free masterclass, you’ll learn the proven growth plan for creating a sustainable online business and the key mistakes you should avoid while scaling your business. It’s time to make a bigger impact doing what you love, to continuously grow your online business, and to be the kind of person who turns your dreams into reality.

So if you’re ready to scale your online business to new heights, sign up for this free masterclass: 3 Secrets to Growing Your Online Business for Long-Term Success.

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode, please share, subscribe and review on Apple Podcasts or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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