#236: [Client Case Study] How I Found a New Passion and Built a New Business in 6 Months with Insa Kunkel

#236: [Client Case Study] How I Found a New Passion and Built a New Business in 6 Months with Insa Kunkel

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Insa Kunkel is a former professional writer with over 20 years of experience in the media industry. She has created content for several high-profile brands and business owners, including eBay and PayPal. In 2017, she decided to pivot her career and follow a new passion – helping entrepreneurs learn how to share their stories on stage through her personal speaker training programs.

In this Client Case Study episode, Insa shares how she discovered her new passion for helping others share their story through presentations and public speaking engagements. She explains how she pivoted her writing business to offer one-on-one coaching sessions, teaching others how to craft an amazing story about their brand and create raving fans from their presentations. She also shares how she developed the framework that allowed her to attract paying clients within the first three months of starting her new online business, how this framework enabled her to quit her freelance writing business in less than 6 months, and the mindset challenges she faced when hiring a team to help her build her new business.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“All of a sudden, I had a framework.” – Insa Kunkel” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Why Insa pivoted from freelance writing to building an online business
  • The seed that was planted that inspired her to pivot her career and begin her entrepreneurial journey
  • How developing a vision board helped her map out her business idea
  • The process she used to test her new business idea
  • How her new speaker coaching business went from zero revenue to attracting paying clients in less than three months
  • How her speaker coaching business enabled her to “close” her freelance writing business in less than six months
  • Challenges she faced while pivoting her career
  • How she developed her first online course
  • The importance of asking course participants for their valuable feedback on your course product
  • Her plans for the future of her speaker training business

Connect with Insa:

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